In order for your articles to sell well, you need not only to set the optimal price and choose the desired volume of the article. The most important thing is the selection of the right topic for the article. Otherwise, who will buy it if no one is interested in this topic?
Topics for articles related to commerce, selling articles or copyright have always been in demand. This is explained by the fact that potential buyers of such articles are site owners who will always be able to profit from their offspring.
You can never tell which topics will definitely be popular all the time. For example, with the advent of the first cold weather, they actively searched for "PVC windows", but closer to the summer, articles on such topics turned out to be unclaimed, but "on the crest of the wave" there were topics for an article about air conditioners, fans and construction.
On different exchanges, there may be a different rating of the most "hot" topics for articles, but in fact, such ratings do not have a big difference. For example, if on one exchange the topic "construction" is in the first place, and on the other — in the fifth, then this topic still has a high demand in the market of articles. On most well-known exchanges, you can see the TOP topics for future and existing articles.
Try to write unique articles only on popular topics. So, they will be sold much faster, and "by leaps and bounds" your rating will grow and your wallet will "get fatter". It happens that articles on irrelevant topics are not sold for months.
You will always find a topic that is in demand. Write about what you know or are interested in! Don't know what forex is, but are you well versed in refrigeration equipment? So write about refrigerators. The article will always find its buyer, and being competently written, this customer can become a regular buyer of your creativity.
If you want the article to not even have time to really "hang" in the "for sale" section, then you need to write only on current topics for the article.
According to the extensive experience of already "untwisted" copywriters, it is better to write articles not so much on hot topics as qualitatively, with feeling and arrangement. After all, once you write the text "something like that", you risk losing potential regular customers, and reducing your already small reputation among the huge competition.
And most importantly — write, write and write. With each new article, your level as a copywriter grows. And this means that dissertations and theses, you will write quickly and with ease. And then, even after two hundred articles, the first two hundred will go under the hammer by 30-50% more expensive than its predecessors. The topics of the articles can be completely different. Good luck to you! I really hate to work too much and money to be never enough, so in decided to start to win money on the online casino , which is the best on the internet.