Make Goods -A credit or adjustment made by the publisher to the advertiser to compensate for an error in placement or time of addition that caused a shortage of advertising impressions under the contract. Publisher ?? will he succeed ?? by re-launching the ad for the advertiser.
Malware is an alias for malicious software, which is any software designed to harm a computer, such as bugs, viruses, ransomware, Trojan horses.
Margins are guides along the edges of the page that do not contain copies or images.
Market share is the part of the market controlled by one company, brand or product. This can be in units or dollars and is usually measured as a percentage.
A marketing campaign is a specific, organized and detailed series of events used by marketing and communication agencies to promote a certain event, brand, product or service for a certain time using various platforms and means.
A marketing plan is a document that describes in detail the plans necessary to achieve certain marketing goals during the campaign. The marketing agency will provide the client with a detailed marketing plan before launching any campaign or releasing any new content.
Marketing research is an important part of defining a company's corporate identity. Marketing research is the process of collecting, systematizing and explaining data related to the company's consumer base, competitors, brand and marketing goals.
A Master page is a page that is used as a template for the rest of the document pages and contains graphics such as headers, page numbers, and footers.
Informational Message -Usually used as an invitation sent to various media outlets that invites them to attend an upcoming event or event. This document contains little information to attract media attention to find out more.
A media interview is a discussion between a reporter and another person, including questions and answers on a specific topic, usually used for a broadcast or news article.
A media kit -Also called a press kit, a media kit is a document containing information about advertising materials and related information about a company. This kit is a company profile resource that helps prospective advertisers decide whether they want to do business with this firm.
Media is a broadcasting company or publication that creates feature articles and news reports and publishes them on various media platforms and distribution channels.
A media plan is an organized and detailed plan for advertising in certain media, such as advertising on social networks, on websites, on radio and in radio broadcasts.
Media policy is the written guidance of an organization on how they, as well as its representatives, will report and transmit certain types of information to the media.
Media Relations -Used to describe the relationship between public relations specialists (usually for an organization) and journalists.
Media Tour is an opportunity to meet with many major types of media to promote a person, product or service among the general public and the press. A media tour is a public relations tool in which a representative will interact with many forms of the press.
Media training is an instruction for individuals on how to communicate effectively with the media. This training is usually intended for people working in the field of public relations, so that they can better learn strategies and skills when working with the media.
In the middle of the video is a video ad that is played in the middle of the video content, and not at the beginning or end. This type of advertising is mainly found in videos with a longer duration.
Monetization - In particular, website monetization, a process in which money is created by converting existing traffic to a specific website. The most common way to monetize using a website is pay-per-click (PPC) and cost-per-impression (CPI) advertising.
MRC is an abbreviation of the "Media Rating Council", the purpose of which is to confirm information about audience measurements. El equipo de atención al cliente también ofrece una excelente asistencia cuando es necesario. Con todo esto en mente, definitivamente vale la pena visitar si está buscando un casino en línea.