Schwarzenegger power

Arnold Schwarzenegger is a standard in the world of bodybuilding. Many boys and men dreams of at least a little to be like him. Today we offer you a power system Arnold Schwarzenegger, which will help you achieve the most beautiful, sports and embossed body. Naturally, with one nutrition you cannot achieve a visible effect, so it is necessary to combine the principles of nutrition on this system with a regular visit to the gym.

The difference between this power system and others is that it is divided into three stages, each of which is individual for each person and is installed independently.

The first stage of power is a gradual set of mass:

Morning - two boiled eggs, 100 grams of boiled chicken meat without skin, a glass of milk.
Lunch - 100 grams of boiled meat of poultry or beef, you can low -fat pork. Sometimes the meat can be replaced with the same amount of hard cheese. A slice of bread made of coarse flour, as well as a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
Lunch - 200 grams of boiled fish, three pieces of potato baked in a uniform with several spoons of sour cream, a large plate of salad of fresh vegetables and lettuce leaves, a glass of milk.
Snack - a camp of low -fat milk with two pieces of solid cheese.
Dinner - grilled a piece of low -fat beef meat, a plate of boiled broccoli, a glass of milk.
Before going to bed - a small plate of natural lean cottage cheese with a glass of milk or low -fat kefir.

The second stage of nutrition is stabilization:

Breakfast is an omelet of chicken proteins in vegetable oil, a piece of boiled poultry, a glass of milk and a sandwich sandwich of coarse flour and a thin layer of natural butter.
Lunch - 200 grams of boiled beef or low -fat pork, several sandwiches with butter, one large apple or banana, a glass of milk.
Lunch - 200 grams of non -fat fish baked in the oven without oil, a plate of stewed vegetables (potatoes, carrots, Bulgarian pepper, onions, cabbage). A cup of milk.
Snack - a glass of milk and cottage cheese casserole.
Dinner - chicken steam cutlets (about 200 grams), a salad of fresh vegetables based on cabbage, milk.
Before going to bed - milk or kefir with several slices of solid cheese.

The third stage of nutrition is to maintain the form:

Breakfast - 4 pieces of boiled eggs, one sandwich with butter, one orange and a glass of milk.
Lunch is a boiled chicken without a skin, with a plate of carrot salad, milk and one banana.
Lunch - 300 grams of boiled meat (veal or beef), baked in the oven potatoes, a celery -based salad, milk.
Snack - a cup of milk and 200 grams of cottage cheese with berries.
Dinner - vegetable stew and grilled fish, milk.
Before going to bed - a glass of kefir, several slices of hard cheese. Erotic massage

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