
Brown pigment spots, the so -called moles that appear on the skin of most people immediately at birth or later, are of different sizes, species and shade. Large birthday spots of light brown color can be discolored by freezing with artificial ice or chemical exfoliating agents.

Artificial ice is applied to the skin with pieces of various sizes or in the form of gruel mixed with acetone. With light freezing, the skin blushes and peels. Similar effects are taken by hydrogen peroxide, resorcin, trichlooroxic acid. The latest method is dermabraise.

The elimination of other types of age spots-from dark brown spongy to warty growths of various sizes covered with hair-is not so simple. Some of these formations, especially blue-black moles, can painfully change and turn into a tumor under the influence of stimuli, for example, from constant friction about clothes or from home treatment methods. Therefore, before doing anything, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The safest and at the same time cosmetically convenient is the elimination of moles using plastic surgery.

Red-violet spots on the skin occur as a result of the accumulation of blood vessels. They can become more pale over time, but never disappear at all. Of the therapeutic methods of removing these spots, the most successful is irradiation with soft x -rays (beams of bark), especially at an early age.

Aracular spots arise from the expansion of the vessels that diverge in all directions from the towering red center. They are well eliminated by an electric needle, warm - the caauter and cold - diatermocoagulation.

Raspberry growths of dark red color have a spongy structure. They consist of blood vessels and therefore bleeding with the slightest wound. Sometimes the skin is thinner over them, there is a ulcers that heals a scar. This type of moles is not too common, and the surgeon eliminates them best. Another radical treatment method is x -ray. Xantlasm is not a mole. It occurs as a result of accumulation in the skin of cholesterol, which gives it a characteristic yellow color. These are butterfly -like, slightly towering spots, covering the inner corners of both eyes. They can be eliminated both by an electric needle and surgically.

Keloid also does not belong to moles. It has the form of a red hill with a smooth, shiny surface. It occurs during a wound or after vaccinations, sometimes for no apparent reason in people predisposed to the formation of excess scars. It can be softened, especially at first, with a massage with hydrocortisone ointment (only according to a doctor). The radiation of the beams in combination with surgical elimination or dermabrasion is well valid. Other treatment methods are associated with injections. bodyrubs

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