How to warm the building correctly?

Anyone who has experienced at least one winter knows that the heating of the building without thermal insulation or without profhesolation -
It's like pouring water from a sinking boat with sieve. This is completely pointless. So if you
Want to know the most important stages of insulation of the building, read on.
It's time to act
In the case of old buildings, the insulation time does not matter much. This can be done at any time
(except for winter), given that the optimum temperature for this type of work is from 5 to 25 degrees of heat. AT
In case of newly built objects, we will have to wait at least a month.
The foundation is the basis
Not only when warming the building. This is an extremely universal rule. Returning to thermal insulation:
The base should be dry and clean. The preparation of the substrate also includes the so -called
Grunning, the purpose of which is to reduce the degree of absorption. If we plan to install
Foam for plaster, we must make sure that the plaster is firmly attached to the wall. You can
Make a sample, gluing pieces of polystyrene in different places and after three days trying to remove them from the substrate.
If the plaster is also torn off when peeling off, this will be a clear signal to the fact that the quality of the last
He leaves much to be desired and in places it will simply have to be removed.
Installation of polystyrene foam plates
It is worth laying the slabs with a brick method (the so -called chess pattern). Before gluing
the board to the wall, the entire perimeter of the boards should be covered with glue, and the center of the board should be additionally covered with several
The stains of the glue so that almost half of the board is covered with a layer of glue. Very important: make sure the layer
glue did not hit between neighboring slabs. This is important because in this case the so -called thermal bridges,
those. Places through which warmly will be uncontrolled from the building.
A survey of the plates
About two days after the end of the gluing, the so -called fixing. It consists in drilling
foam and fixing in the wall of special pins, the purpose of which is to increase the stability of all
structures. It is assumed that there should be four dowels per square meter (six in the corners).
Creating a grid
The penultimate stage of thermal insulation is the installation of a layer of fiberglass mesh. Her task is to protect the gentle
Foam from mechanical damage. The installation of the grid begins with the corners and door and window openings. Grid
It is sealed into the solution using a metal spatula.
Plaster or end of work
Before applying a layer of plaster, you have to wait about three days. Of course, you should plan the work
So that such long downtime is not needed. A plaster solution can be purchased in two main
options: in the form of a finished mass in a plastic bucket or in the form of a powder in paper bags, which
Requires mixing with cold water. The solution is applied with a special metal cell. Bodyrub New York

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